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"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible"

~ Anonymous

Tea Time with Liv

How do top 100 lists work?

I am sure by now you have seen 1 or 2 top 100 lists. In the WAHM world this are big which is why you have seen your share. Maybe you have joined one but wonder still how do they work.

How a top 100 list works is simple, you submit your website you wish to share and increase traffic to. Once you submitted your information you will receive an email to confirm your submission. Once you have confirmed your submission you will either be granted instant access or must wait for admin approval. Once you have been approved or granted instant access, go to the the top list and click on member log in. Here you will find a banner to place elsewhere such as your website, email signature, social network profile, or blog. You will also find valuable statistics concerning how many hits your submitted website receives.

Each time someone clicks on your given link you will earn an incoming hit. Each incoming hit moves you up in rank or popularity. The more incoming hits, the higher the rank your website will appear. This increases your website visibility.

Every time someone clicks on your website from the top 100 list you will earn an outgoing hit. This increases your traffic to your website.

The more visible your site, the more traffic you will generate. You generate traffic by making your site available and inviting others to visit your favorite top 100 site that you have submitted your site to. Not only are you increasing your own visibility and traffic, every time someone else refers someone to the same top 100 list your site will be seen by a new group of people you did not have access to.

This is all an advertising circle. If you do not refer others, the circle is broken and your submission is useless. I also suggest visiting the top 100 site from time to time and visit another site on the list. You may find a valuable source you never thought of.

Now that you know how one works, join your first if you have not joined one. Start with http://livswahmblog.gotop100.com/in.php?ref=101. Take a look at many of the others listed here on Liv's WAHM Blog and choose your favorites. Don't forget, check out a few other sites listed.

Get out there and share!


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