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"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible"

~ Anonymous

Tea Time with Liv

"Do Not Buy" List

You start your day by reading your email and like most days you sort through some spam. You are quick to discover spam from WAHMs who "think" you will benefit from their products or service. Maybe the first few times you blow it off as bad habits but as the habit continues you subconsciously build a "Do Not Buy" list in your head.

This is a frequent practice that takes place in many areas of the Internet. An example is you belong to a message board, your post an introduction, and the first thing someone mentions is "Hi my name is Mary and I sell wigglebams and I'd love to tell you about them". Another example is you are part of a group and send out a post looking for socks and you send a post for something other than socks. This is not OK to do.

What ends up happening when you send out your "helpful" or "beneficial" message, you are ultimately black balling yourself and hurting your reputation. You may feel it is unfair and even rant and rave how all someone had to do was tell you it was not wanted. You should not have sent it in the first place when it was unwanted so their is no reason for them to be that courteous towards you.

If it was not asked for, it is spam. Spam is illegal. Spam can lead to an undesired reputation. An undesired reputation can lead to decreased or even no sales. Nobody wants to do business with someone participating in an illegal act.

Spam is not the only reason some make their do not buy list. How you conduct yourself with others can also be a factor. If you seem confrontational it is undesirable. If you are negative in everything you share why would anyone want to do business with you.

We all have our problems in life but if you are constantly posting a new tragedy each week, it gets old and unbelievable. That will make others who may have potentially purchased from you questioning if you are truly who you say you are. You can go through a bad spell of bad luck and all is true but you will be questioned and you will lose sales and be part of the "Do Not Buy" list. Reality is you will be questioned as to whether you are running a scam. Yes it is harsh but it is reality.

If you are constantly defending your "friend" you will give the impression you are part of a clique. Cliques are turn offs in business and it intimidates others. This is a deal breaker for many and will get you added to the "Do Not Buy" list.

Do you have a habit of hijacking posts? This is when you someone starts a post whether be the appropriate ad and you come running in with the competition trying to steal their sale. Maybe you justify it as giving the person options but it can be seen as a shady practice. This is a big no no and will get you added to the "Do Not Buy" list.

Also watch those personal pages. Customers are doing their research more and more. If they go to Google and type in your name that takes them to your personal profile on a networking site with inappropriate graphics, pictures, and blurbs, you instantly just lost a sale.

Do not give customers a reason to not buy from you. Do not go with the attitude if they don't like me that's too bad. You are the one that loses out. Not the customer. And remember if bad news travels. We are more likely to pass on a bad experience before we pass on a good experience.

Image is everything in business. Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times and follow the rules. Someone is always watching and you don't want that someone to think twice about ever buying from you. You never know who is making that "Do Not Buy" list.

Olivia Vidal
© 2009


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